Chris Radloff got started in graphic design in the late 1980s while in college, back when “cut and paste” actually involved scissors and glue. After graduating with a degree in History he went to work at a newspaper in north central Iowa as a typesetter/designer. Eventually, in 1992 or 1993, Chris wound up in Sioux City working as Art Director for a print shop. In 2006 he started HippieBoy Design part-time, and in 2008 was doing well enough to quit the print shop. He’s an Eagle Scout, has been active in the American Legion Riders, Independent Riders for Children and Charities, Patriot Guard Riders, Leadership Siouxland and Siouxland Sleepout. When not doing design or photography, you can find him playing classic rock and blues on his bass guitar and pining nostalgic about the old days when music was good.

The first thing you notice about Dagmar Kopacs-Radloff is her name, then her slight accent. You can kinda tell that she ain’t from around these parts… Born in Vienna and raised in Innsbruck, Dagmar came to the United States from Austria in her teens and has several nifty degrees, including one in International Business. She’s perfect as our Customer Relations Lady. And she takes some pretty good photos, too!
Between the two of them, they make up HippieBoy Design. Where did the name come from? Good question! Chris got out of the Army National Guard in 1993, let his hair grow long and joined a blues band (that’s actually a picture of him in the
logo, lo those many years ago). Years later when he got involved in the American Legion Riders and Patriot Guard Riders, both motorcycle organizations with a strong history of nicknames, Chris was hit with the name HippieBoy. As in, “What, you some kind of hippie, boy?” It stuck.
So, these days Chris spends more time in a suit coat than tie-dye, but the name HippieBoy somehow still fits.